Posts Tagged ‘cancer and emfs’

More from Dr Martin Pall on 5G – see

Listen to the interview:

We know that there is a massive literature, providing a high level of scientific certainty, for each of eight pathophysiological effects caused by non-thermal microwave frequency EMF exposures.
This is shown in from 12 to 35 reviews on each specific effect, with each review listed in Chapter 1, providing a substantial body of evidence on the existence of each effect.

Such EMFs:
1. Attack our nervous systems including our brains leading to widespread neurological/neuropsychiatric effects and possibly many other effects. This nervous system attack is of great concern.

2. Attack our endocrine (that is hormonal) systems. In this context, the main things that make us functionally different from single celled creatures are our nervous system and our endocrine systems – even a simple planaria worm needs both of these. Thus the consequences of the disruption of these two regulatory systems is immense, such that it is a travesty to ignore these findings.

3. Produce oxidative stress and free radical damage, which have central roles in essentially all chronic diseases.

4. Attack the DNA of our cells, producing single strand and double strand breaks in cellular DNA and oxidized bases in our cellular DNA. These in turn produce cancer and also mutations in germ line cells which produce mutations in future generations.

5. Produce elevated levels of apoptosis (programmed cell death), events especially important in causing both neurodegenerative diseases and infertility.

6. Lower male and female fertility, lower sex hormones, lower libido and increased levels of spontaneous abortion and, as already stated, attack the DNA in sperm cells.

7. Produce excessive intracellular calcium [Ca2+]i and excessive calcium signaling.

8. Attack the cells of our bodies to cause cancer. Such attacks are thought to act via 15 different mechanisms during cancer causation

by John P. Thomas
Health Impact News

Electric utility companies are in the process of installing smart meters at all of their customer locations, which are making thousands of their customers sick. These meters emit microwave radiation in the 900+ megahertz frequency band, which is known to cause weakness, fatigue, sleep disturbances, heart palpitations, ringing in the ears, pain, and immune system disruption. These smart meters broadcast intense bursts of microwave radiation through the air many times per minute, 24-hours a day. [1, 2, 3, 4]

Smart meters also add high frequency electromagnetic radiation in the kilohertz frequency band to the electrical wiring of every building where they are attached. This electromagnetic radiation is also harmful. It turns the electric wiring in buildings into giant antennas that fill the interior spaces with radiation frequencies that are known to alter human biological functioning. These same frequencies are used in medical research to block the activity of nerves. [5]

The nationwide installation of smart meters is like a time bomb ticking, because the harmful effects are cumulative — it can take 5 or 10 years of exposure to evoke a life-threatening illness.

At some point, it will not be thousands who suffer from electromagnetic radiation sickness, but there will be an explosion of illness. There will be millions of people who are experiencing chronic disability and fatal illness from exposure that spanned many decades. [6]

The current epidemics of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and even autism will intensify until very few of us will be able to escape these devastating illnesses. Others will suffer for decades with chronic fatigue, unexplained anxiety, and attention deficits until a life-threatening illness makes its ugly appearance.

It is true that the majority of people feel nothing when exposed to electromagnetic radiation such as microwave transmissions from smart meters and cell phones. Even if people can’t identify reactions to this exposure, proteins within their cells are being permanently altered. [7]

At present, very few healthcare providers in the conventional medical system consider electromagnetic exposure to be causative for the diseases they treat. They are either unaware of the scientific research on electromagnetic radiation and illness or they are skeptics who don’t believe that unseen and unfelt electromagnetic radiation can have an effect upon the bodies and minds of their patients.

Most continue to use pharmaceuticals designed to eliminate acute symptoms, when their patients are actually suffering from chronic illnesses linked to electromagnetic radiation exposure, which can only be fixed by reducing exposure.

It is estimated that 80% of modern chronic illnesses are caused by or influenced by long-term exposure to sources of electromagnetic radiation such as cell phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi routers, baby monitors, cordless phone base stations, Bluetooth devices, smart meters, and dozens of other wireless devices that are used every day by Americans.

By far, smart meters are the worst offenders in this list. The combined electromagnetic radiation from these devices is evoking modern illnesses and disabling us at a level that has never been seen before, because these levels of exposure have never been experienced by human beings before. [8]

SENATE DOCKET, NO. 1462        FILED ON: 1/20/2017

Resolve creating a special commission to examine the health impacts of electromagnetic fields.

            Resolved, There shall be a special commission on the health impacts of electromagnetic fields on the citizens of the Commonwealth. The commission shall be comprised of the house and senate chairs of the joint committee on public health as well as the ranking house and senate minority members on the committee; the house and senate chairs of the joint committee on telecommunication, utilities and energy and the ranking house and senate minority members; the commissioner of the department of public health or a designee; a scientist who is a specialist in environmental medicine and is knowledgeable about the health effects of electromagnetic fields who shall be appointed by the governor; a pediatrician who shall be appointed by the governor; three specialists in public health or environmental medicine, one each who shall be appointed by the governor, the senate president and the speaker of the house; a member of the Massachusetts Medical Society who is a specialist in environmental medicine who shall serve as chair; a member of the Massachusetts Board of Education; and a member of a Massachusetts school board or committee. No appointee shall have a financial interest in the telecommunications, technology, utility and energy industries.

            The commission shall examine non-industry funded science for all facets of health impacts of electromagnetic fields from all sources, including but not limited to the use of cellular devices, utility smart meters, Wi-Fi, and the use of Wi-Fi in public facilities, including but not limited to public schools. The commission shall include in its report an investigation of the health impacts of electromagnetic fields, including but not limited to the effects on reproductive systems, brain function including memory loss, diminished learning, performance impairment in children, headaches and neurodegenerative conditions, melatonin suppression and sleep disorders, fatigue, hormonal imbalances, immune dysregulation such as allergic and inflammatory responses, cardiac and blood pressure problems, genotoxic effects like miscarriage, cancers such as childhood leukemia, and childhood and adult brain tumors.  The commission shall study whether electromagnetic radiation exposure may have a disparate impact on potentially vulnerable subgroups including children, fetuses, pregnant women, the elderly and those with preexisting illnesses or impairments. The commission shall investigate whether children are more vulnerable to electromagnetic radiation due to their developing nervous systems or other physical characteristics.

            The commission shall convene no later than 60 days following the enactment of this resolve. The commission shall file a report with the clerks of the house and senate no later than July 31, 2018. The commission shall make any necessary recommendations to the General Court on legislation designed to protect the health of the citizens of the Commonwealth including a recommendation on whether, within public schools, children’s exposure to electromagnetic fields, including those from Wi-Fi, should be eliminated or reduced. The commission may also make recommendations on any other matter that may come before the commission that will enhance the protection of the public health.

Tom Wheeler, FCC Chair and former director of the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA), has had decades-long contempt for health/enviro effects from EMF/RF — it is barely concealed here in a short clip from his recent announcement re: 5G. There’s a short notation that someone previously asked him about cancer and wireless and he brushed it off saying “Talk with the medical people.” Well the “medical people” have been talking ’til they are blue in the face re: this and he bats them aside too. Over 200 MDs and Ph.D’s signed a petition last year alone, plus the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Environmental  Medicine and other august medical groups have too.What exactly does it take? After this segment another link comes up from his briefing at the National Press Club where his technophoria is downright creepy. He’s supposed to be a regulator, not a cheerleader. The Berkshire-Litchfield Environmental Council filed an 11-page comment (attached) prior to FCC’s vote because it’s important to get on record, but honestly, it’s running headfirst into a brick wall. 5G is dangerous. Other countries throughout Europe and New Zealand have elected to study 5G’s effects before deployment — but not in the USA.
This clip shows how Tom brushes off the question about cancer and 5G… so much for freedom of information or investigating all sides of the story. Basically they are in bed with the telecom industry.For those who want to know, Hillary is very pro 5G (it was her husband who introduced all this back in the 1990’s); not sure about Trump.

Thanks to Michele Hertz. And to Kevin Mottus for asking the question. very short clip



About Smart Meters. An investigation of smart meter tobacco scientist health expert Peter Valberg, who testified before the Worcester Zoning Board of Appeals concerning the safety of an antenna in the National Grid smart meter pilot program. Valberg also testified for the MA Dept. of Public Utilities to override citizen health complaints. This video has been submitted to the MA Attorney General, calling for an investigation of the Worcester pilot and the DPU mandate.

The Video talks about Valberg in MA around minute 11.

PDF from NASA on the effects if microwave radiation:
A wee bit of the information excerpted:
Smart meters operate at up to 950 mhz. A Nasa study(PAVE PAWS)  reported these symptoms from 40-200MHz: Vegetative dysfunction of central nervous system;thermoregulatory pathology; cardiovascular changes;elevation of plasma cholesterol; gastritis; ulcers.


It is also seen from the tables and figures in the report that electromagnetic fields may promote cancer. At least one adverse effect is not included in the tables and figures, and that is cataracts. Over fifty have been attributed to exposure at microwave frequencies.

Specialized cells make up the brain barrier. “Evidently. electric currents cause the specialized cells to contract, allowing normally excluded substances to leak between them.”

“Electromagnetic fields can interact with proteins, possibly disturbing them as described above, over a wide range of frequencies.”

Do you remember that in May of 2011, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer declared radio frequency exposures a Class 2B possible human carcinogen?

Four years later, an International Appeal has been submitted to the United Nations calling for immediate action on the issue of radio frequencies, as corporations plan to beam Wi-Fi from space over large swaths of the earth’s environment. France has taken significant steps to protect young children. Italy has provided worker’s comp for a brain tumor victim who was required to use a cellphone for his work. Australia awarded worker’s comp for a man who was disabled by electromagnetic hypersensitivity. Switzerland’s school are hard-wired. The U.S. has made no such progress. America has been down this road before many times, by prioritizing economic growth at the expense of human health and the environment.

emfspeechA must see video… not long but powerful. If you don’t believe wifi and cell phones are harming you then you are very misled. Please watch this 3 minute video.