Archive for September, 2014

Santa Barbara opt out customers duped with new ERT meter (new name for smart meter).  Santa Barbarians need to know that digital meters have been forced on us Opt-Out customers here in Santa Barbara. It’s a worthy news item that those who chose the “opt out” option, for which they paid $75 one-time fee and a monthly $10 charge for two years, have been duped. They’ve gone into another round of shoving these digital meters down our throats. An opt out customer, Wendy survived the first round of digital meters by protesting and participating in the SCE OPT OUT program that they were forced to offer to them. A few months after she was on the opt out list, SCE came around and put an orange OPT OUT sticker on her analog meter. She thought that was a little weird, but was happy that it was clearly marked by them. But now sees that this sticker was part of the deception. Sometime in the last 3 weeks SCE still put a digital meter on her property and removed her analog meter. But they are being super sneaky about it. First, they didn’t tell her they did it, secondly they ignored that she had a sign on her electrical box notifying them to not put a digital meter on the property, thirdly, they installed a digital meter — and on the outside of the meter they put a same orange sticker that she had on my analog meter which says “OPT OUT” so that at first glance it appears that no changes have been made. When she called SCE to question this, they said, “The new meter is an ERT meter, not a smart meter”. This ERT digital meter actually is the same thing as a smart meter but it’s not called a smart meter. It is NOT an analog meter. The ERT meter carries with it the exact same concerns as a smart meter, so people all over the SB are being deceived by SCE. This needs to be made very public. For those of us who opted out – we didn’t realize that we were not opting out of having digital meters… we were only opting out of meters that had the “smart meter” commercial name. The Opt-Out program was a total scam. SCE has completely deceived them. MA opt out residents make sure you opt out of digital meters…. not the commercial name smart meter!


Nevada investigates smart meter fires. State regulators decided today to launch a preliminary investigation into whether the 1.1 million smart meters installed on homes across the state by NV Energy pose a fire danger, demanding the utility turn over data on meter failures, the number of fires associated with the meters, any lawsuits involving the meters and internal investigation documents on meter fires. The request for information comes after the Reno and Sparks fire chiefs raised the alarm on a series of fires they say are linked to smart meters in their cities, including the most recent blaze that killed a 61-year-old Reno woman. “Given the lingering safety question presented by the Reno and Sparks fire departments’ expert, staff believes it would be prudent for the commission to gather some information from NV Energy regarding any fires which have occurred where NV Energy equipment may have been involved,” the PUC’s lawyer Tammy Cordova wrote in an order compelling NV Energy to turn over documents. “Staff believes this information is required to ascertain whether any further inquiry is necessary.” Reno smart meter fires more widespread than first feared: Fire investigators have documented nine fires in Reno and Sparks since 2012 that they say originated at the smart meter. Most of the fires caused minimal damage, destroying just the meter and blackening the outside wall of the home. One fire, however, destroyed most of a Sparks family’s home. Another left a man with moderate burns on his face. A forensic expert hired by the fire departments examined four of the meters and concluded that a “common failure mode” could not be ruled out in the blazes. In each case, NV Energy said the either smart meter was not the cause of the blaze or they are still investigating the exact cause of the ignition.

smartmetercondomNew smart meter protection device. If anyone tries this can you let me know if it works and if you feel better… The Smart Meter Condom (or SMC) is based upon discoveries and inventions made by Michael Faraday, a 19th English scientist who conceived of devices to shield and block dangerous electromagnetic waves and fields (EMF), and to reduce the dangers these can generate. Since his day, the Faraday Cage has been employed, in various forms and sizes, to control volatile electromagnetic phenomena in specific situations. The most common use of this shielding device is to protect electronic equipment from electrostatic discharges, such as lighting strikes – for instance: sound and video installations and power sources at outdoor festivals. Our Smart Meter Condom (SMC) is proudly made in Canada, using the best of nationally-sourced materials such as 316gr micro-mesh Stainless Steel  – alloys proven most effective in blocking RF waves and EMF radiation. Is it legal for installation? While our SMC dramatically reduces harmful emissions and the strength of RF waves from your smart meter, it does not impede the device from communicating your usage data clearly to your Energy provider in any way. Therefore, after correctly installing your Smart Meter Condom there should be no issue or objection from your provider, so long as reasonable access to their meter is still available.

meter-fire_310_217Smart Meter Fire Hazard Update

Fire officials say that smart meter fires are particularly concerning because they start on the outside of the house, won’t be picked up by indoor smoke detectors, and can escape immediate notice. The Sparks, NV fire chief stated, “The occupants inside may not even be aware the house is on fire.” There are multiple issues, and one was that meter installers were not licensed electricians in some deployment areas. In some cases the meters were being switched out under live load. If water seeps into the device, it may malfunction. Lightning or a power surge or EMP (electromagnetic pulse) can damage the electronics, which was not the case with mechanical analog meters. Extremes in temperature have been an issue in some deployment areas.In many cases, a fire involving a smart meter is blamed on underlying electrical problems in the home, and the homeowners were not compensated for damages. The wiring the home should be checked before the meters are installed,

Opt Outs

Wireless smart meters enable two-way communication between the utility and the home. 111 municipalities in Quebec have called for a moratorium and/or free opt out. Germany has rejected smart meter deployment. In the UK, the Committee of Public Accounts issued a report Sept. 9 casting doubt over the validity of the smart meter rollout, raising concerns over the cost-benefit to consumers and the ability of the energy market to keep costs down. Nations including Italy, the site of the Vatican leukemia lawsuit, opted for safer, faster; more secure hard-wired technology. Italy is not collecting private usage data from customers. Lakeland, Florida; Saskatchewan, Canada; Pennsylvania, and Oregon have removed thousands of smart meters due to fire hazards.

Opt Out Fee Reversed:

>PG&E Customers Getting Fees Reversed as CPUC Endlessly Delays Smart Meter “Opt Out” Decision
“A decision was rendered at the end of the Evidentiary Hearing by the ALJ Anthony Colbert, in Mr. Rainey’s favor. It was so ordered that PGE is to immediately remove (AND CREDIT) and cease from charging the $75 surcharge AND each monthly $10 fee for meter reading. PG&E reluctantly had no other option but to agree to this. 8/8/14 11:00 a.m. ALJ Colbert ECP – C.14-04-002 (EH) – Thomas Rainey, Complainant, vs. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, (U39E), Defendant, California Public Utilities Commission Courtroom, San Francisco Note that no formal written decision was issued in this case. The ALJ agreed to dismiss the complaint against PG&E and PG&E agreed to drop the fees. Here is another case where PG&E was forced to reverse “smart” meter opt out charges:

MA DPU Statement:

>The Berkshire-Litchfield Environmental Council, which provided testimony in opposition to smart meters for MA DPU docket 12-76 stated, “The smart grid is increasingly understood as an over engineered, ill-advised, financial boondoggle at taxpayer expense, capable of endangering the security of the entire national grid, violating constitutional privacy protections and endangering public health. In addition, the smart grid/metering has not been found to save energy when all the new variables in the system are factored in. Plus, time-of-use pricing is largely punitive to those who can least afford it. Time-of-use pricing is fundamentally a Wall Street model designed to maintain shareholder profits as we transition to more energy efficient models that will reduce demand.”