Archive for March, 2016

S. 2012 is now before the federal Senate and will be voted on imminently.

“Introduced by Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), the Energy Policy Modernization Act aims to help modernize the grid and reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund.”

It is easier to stop funding of Smart Meters/Smart Grid at their source, rather than try to remove them once they have been surreptitiously installed. Much of the funding for our current SMs came from the Stimulus Package of 2009 with matching Industry funds. Senate Bill 2012 has already passed the House and is before the Senate now. This bill includes provisions for the further Federal development of Smart Grid programs.

Please contact your Senators, and ask them to please REMOVE any provisions, including section 2305, for Smart Meter/Smart Grid Programs from Senate Bill 2012. Smart Meters/Smart Grid are dangerous, unsafe and a public health threat. Taxpayers should NOT be forced to fund something which will be harmful to them.

Please call your Senators and ask them to remove all funding and provisions, including section 2305, for a Smart Meter/Smart Grid system from S. 2012.

To find your Senators

Post above courtesy of Stop Smart Meters Montana

PDF from NASA on the effects if microwave radiation:
A wee bit of the information excerpted:
Smart meters operate at up to 950 mhz. A Nasa study(PAVE PAWS)  reported these symptoms from 40-200MHz: Vegetative dysfunction of central nervous system;thermoregulatory pathology; cardiovascular changes;elevation of plasma cholesterol; gastritis; ulcers.


It is also seen from the tables and figures in the report that electromagnetic fields may promote cancer. At least one adverse effect is not included in the tables and figures, and that is cataracts. Over fifty have been attributed to exposure at microwave frequencies.

Specialized cells make up the brain barrier. “Evidently. electric currents cause the specialized cells to contract, allowing normally excluded substances to leak between them.”

“Electromagnetic fields can interact with proteins, possibly disturbing them as described above, over a wide range of frequencies.”